Enjoy higher monthly Add Cash limits by getting yourself ID verified. All you need to do is to upload a scanned copy or a clear photograph of your ID proof taken with a camera phone.
Enjoy higher monthly Add Cash limits by getting your Address verified. All you need to do is to upload a scanned copy or a clear photograph of your Address proof taken with a camera phone.
We encouraged our players to interact with us by way of comments, reviews, feedback, questions, concerns or complaints of any issues they may face on www.rummycircle.com. Every interaction is examined and due responses
are provided by our team. We assure you that our team is committed to providing you with exceptional service and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
For any correspondence, please write to us at:
Building No./Flat No.: P.S.- Krishnaganj
Road/Street: P.O.- Majdia
Locality/Sub Locality: Mirgimari Para
City/Town/Village: Majhdia
District: Nadia
State: West Bengal
PIN Code: 741507